Betekenis van:
driving license

driving license
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • bewijs van rijbevoegdheid
  • a license authorizing the bearer to drive a motor vehicle



driving license
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • rijbevoegdheid
  • a license authorizing the bearer to drive a motor vehicle




  1. Last month I renewed my driving license.
  2. Show me your driving license, please.
  3. Can I see your driving license?
  4. I've had my driving license confiscated.
  5. Tom was caught driving without a license.
  6. He had his license taken away because of reckless driving.
  7. He is bent on getting the driving license.
  8. She isn't old enough to get a driving license.
  9. If I don't fail, I will get my driving license before New Year.
  10. If I don't fail, then I can get my driving license this year.
  11. Tom pleaded guilty to drunken driving and his driver's license was suspended for six months.
  12. I'd rather go by train. I have a license, but no real driving experience, so I'm not very sure of myself behind the wheel.
  13. He can get a new job provided that he has a driving license.